Attracting Guests to Your St. Augustine Vacation Rental: Proven Strategies

Attracting Guests to Your St. Augustine Vacation Rental: Proven Strategies

Are you having trouble attracting guests to your vacation rental in St. Augustine?

While it's a popular tourist destination, with visitor numbers doubling this year compared to 2020, it proposes a challenge for vacation hosts. You'll have difficulty attracting guests since there are so many vacation rentals for them to choose from.

This guide will show you how to increase vacation rental bookings in order to run a successful business.

Here's what you must do:

Price According to Season

You'll have to research the average pricing according to each season in St. Augustine. You don't want to stray too far away from this price. If you wish to charge more, you'll want to offer incentives to your guests to pay a premium price.

Incentives can include the following:

  • Amenities (stocked fridge, fast Wi-Fi, beach items)
  • Airport pickup and drop-off
  • Cleaning services (especially for longer stays)
  • In-home entertainment (Smart TV, streaming subscriptions)

Another option is to conduct a rental analysis. While this is usually reserved for long-term tenants, you can determine how much you can charge as a monthly rental fee. You can calculate the daily rate based on this fee and charge your vacation guests accordingly.

Advertise Your Property

Listing your property on a vacation rental platform isn't enough. You should be working around the clock to market your property. Make sure you also promote St. Augustine as a destination.

You can promote your property in Facebook groups for travelers. You can create an Instagram profile solely to promote your vacation home. The Instagram page is best for sharing detailed photos of your home. Make sure you also create reels and stories for the property and city.

You can use social media to interact with potential guests. If you go above and beyond, they'll keep your vacation home in mind if they decide to visit St. Augustine.

Use a Property Management Company

Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned vacation host, you can always use a property management company. They'll take on many of the responsibilities for you.

A property manager can list your vacation home to potential guests. They'll research the pricing and adjust it accordingly. Property managers can also handle any issues with your guests.

They can collect payments on your behalf and send them to you. Property managers are great whether you own one vacation home or several. You'll be able to grow your vacation rental business much faster with them assisting you.

Start Attracting Guests to Your Vacation Rental

Now you know the steps for attracting guests to your vacation rental in St. Augustine.

Take your time to determine your pricing. It's best to stick close to the average pricing per season. You must also advertise your property outside of the rental platform.

The final step is to hire a property management company. This is the next step in scaling your rental business.

PMI Ancient City is your best bet for setting up your vacation rental business. We offer all the services you'll need to turn your vacation home into a cash cow.

Contact us to learn more.
